Lifelines Scotland

Research and evaluation

Please read our Evaluation report to learn about our work to date.

Below you’ll find the 10 Essentials behind everything we do at Lifelines.
Cover of report

The Lifelines 10 Essentials

The Lifelines 10 Essentials listed below are at the core of what we do.

  1. We all have mental health and no-one is invincible.
  2. Emergency responders and others in challenging roles, are at risk of psychological injury. It’s an occupational hazard.
  3. Health and safety assessments should include psychological risk.
  4. Getting psychologically injured doesn’t mean you’re weak or a failure.
  5. Psychological injury is not inevitable. Most people, most of the time, will cope well.
  6. Psychological injuries can heal.
  7. Stigma stops people getting help.
  8. Workplace stress is as big a threat to wellbeing as trauma exposure.
  9. Good management and leadership protect people.
  10. Support from colleagues, family and friends keeps people well.

We have also published a document that details the research behind each of these.

Other research

Below are more resources detailing research that has contributed to project.
